Wednesday, October 30, 2019

International Assignments Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

International Assignments - Research Paper Example Cultural training is country-specific as each country has its unique culture. Cultural training covers such aspects of culture as social customs and business etiquette. The second component of pre-departure training is didactic training. Didactic training has been found to be the most common form of cross-cultural training; over two-thirds of multinational corporations offer didactic training through informal briefings of the expatriates before their deployment (Hà ¥nberg & Ãâ€"sterdahl, 2009). It may also take more structured forms such as lectures or informative booklets. This component of training is important as it provides practical information on living and working in the destination country. The content of didactic training is factual information such as shopping and travel. In addition, it may include information that aimed at helping the expatriate adapt to the culture of the host country. The third component of pre-deployment training is training in language skills. Language training entails teaching the expatriate the native or official language of the host country. Whileit may take the expatriate months or years to master the language and be fluent in it, it is important that the expatriate has a basic command of the language (Hà ¥nberg & Ãâ€"sterdahl, 2009). On arriving in their host countries, our expatriates should be able to enter informal conversations, apply common courtesies, and demonstrate empathy for the cultures of their host countries. Language training is important as it will accelerate the ability of the expatriates to adapt to their new cultures. Indeed, language is a major aspect of any culture. As a result, the only way our expatriates can fit into their new cultures is by possessing a basic understanding of the languages of those cultures. The fourth component is interaction training. The organization has deployed expatriates abroad over the years. As a result,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Dulce et Decorum est - Anthem for Doomed Youth Essay Example for Free

Dulce et Decorum est Anthem for Doomed Youth Essay Dulce et Decorum est and Anthem for Doomed Youth are two poems written by Wilfred Owen during the First World War. Owen, like most soldiers, joined up after being convinced that war was fun by propagandistic posters, poems and stories, and once he had realised that the truth was quite the opposite of this, he decided that it was his responsibility to oppose and protest against poets like Jessie Pope through poetry itself. People were not prepared for the sheer scale and manner of death and the mechanised nature of trench warfare, and had false expectations of the heroic endeavour, but little awareness of the realities. However, compared to Dulce, the anger portrayed is dramatically understated. Dulce is an outrageous protest, displaying the haunting and bitter effects of war, and after describing in great detail the horrific story of a soldier drowning and choking in gas, Owen reveals his passionate hatred for the false and misleading idealisms of heroism in war using particularly emphatic imagery in cancer and froth corrupted lungs. The fact that Anthem is a sonnet, is ironic in that they are usually about love, and because it is actually about grief, it somewhat lulls the reader into a false sense of security, therefore making the poem more effective. Both poems seem to talk about the vile and painful conditions in war, Dulce using onomatopoeia in trudge, giving the impression that war is truly appalling, immediately going against the common belief that it is a game from poems like Whos for the game?. Also, true to both poems is the idea of undignified and casual death, rather than the heroic, glorious death promised by governmental propaganda. For example, in Dulce, Owen talks about the way they flung [the dead soldier] in a wagon with such brutal nonchalance. Furthermore, Anthem introduces a typical Victorian funeral with singing choirs, and juxtaposes it with the shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells on the battlefield, and with the constant end-stopped lines, this conveys a sense of solemn grief rather than the vicious anger in Dulce, which tends to use enjambment more frequently. Also, Anthem discusses the lack of ceremony and dignity in which people are honoured after their death on the battlefield, and Owen reveals his anger for this using the powerful, hyperbolic alliteration in rifles rapid rattle. In addition, the fact that the sound of machine gun fire is reflected in the phrase rifles rapid rattle presents to the reader that the harsh realities of war are indeed more than just frightening. In addition, a sense of urgency and immediacy is portrayed in the second stanza of Dulce, when Owen uses direct speech and exclamations in Gas! Gas!, while the epizeuxis and use of the present continuous tense gives further emphasis to this desperate urgency .On the other hand, Anthem has a strong sense of sympathy and general tranquillity throughout the second stanza, which is juxtaposed by something quite the opposite in the first. As well as this, the light lexis used in words such as glimmers and tenderness in the second stanza, give the impression that it is a poem of mourning and respect rather than anger and hate. In general, Dulce uses fairly vulgar and crude language, conveying his disrespect for propagandistic poets, as well as his anger at the unawareness of the dangers of war of the British public: He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning. Owens use of the words guttering, choking [and] drowning, has numerous implications and effects. Firstly, a gutter represents the bottom of society, and therefore shows how soldiers dying is in fact not a respectable act, but rather an act that is hardly noticed by society. Also, the onomatopoeic sounds of guttering and choking, give an even more emphatic image of death on the battlefield, portraying Owens desire for the awareness of the harsh realities of war in youth culture as well as in everyday men. Finally, the fact that Owen uses three separate adjectives to describe the horrific scene, in addition to the tri-conic feel it gives, the phrase implies that Owen could not put what he was seeing into words, and therefore persuading the reader that war is simply a catastrophic, desperate excuse for a fight, sacrificing millions of men in the process. Unlike Dulce, Anthem brings out the mournful, respectful side of Wilfred Owen through the melancholy atmosphere he creates through the modulation of harsh imagery to a more resigned tone: The monstrous anger of the guns but in their eyes Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes. This dramatic contrast between coarse and frightening imagery in monstrous anger of the guns and the solemn melancholy in the holy glimmers of goodbyes is a very moving one. This is not only because the phrase refers to tears in young mens eyes, which in itself is a saddening image, but also because it refers to goodbyes, forcing a more personal image of saying goodbye to close friends or relatives as they go to war upon the mind of the reader, again, creating a sombre mood. In addition, the end-stopped line following goodbyes is very effective in that it makes the goodbye seem all the more sudden, harsh, and hurtful. In conclusion, Dulce and Anthem, although they are both written in protest against the deceiving propaganda made by various people, they go about it in different ways. Dulce is an outright outrage at individuals, which we know from Owens draft that it was targeted at Jessie Pope, using coarse and harsh language to do so. Anthem on the other hand is a more solemn and moving poem, although it starts as if it were to be an outrage, before we learn that in fact, it is only grieving for the dead and their lack of ceremony, and it becomes literally, an anthem for doomed youth.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Portrayal of Women in Homers Odyssey Essay -- The Odyssey by Home

Does Homer exhibit gender bias in the Odyssey?   Is the nature of woman as depicted in the Odyssey in any way revealing? Upon examining the text of the Odyssey for differential treatment on men and women, it becomes necessary to distinguish between three possible conclusions.   One, differences in treatment reflect the underlying Homeric thesis that   women are "different but equal in nature,"   Two, different treatment   of men and women in the text reflect a thesis that women are "different and unequal in nature" -- arguments about misogyny fall in here but a host of other interpretive possibilities are possible too. Three, the different treatment reflects simple ignorance. How much do we attribute what we discover to male authorship -- or female authorship? In beginning, we might look to the gods for a clue. The adultery between Ares and Aphrodite for example is evenly represented -- both parties are to blame -- both are shamed -- both are banished. Although there is some "locker room talk" between two of the male gods that they would willingly lie in chains several layers thick to be beside Aphrodite.   Sexuality among mortals is another key to this poem and this question. Women and men are represented differentially in this regard -- The herdsman Eumaios -- Odysseus brother by "adoption" recounts how he came to Ithaka a captive of a slave woman Phoinikia -- a woman who had been seduced by a roving seafarer w... .... 17-27. Griffin, Jasper. Homer on Life and Death, 1980, Clarendon Press. Richard Brilliant, "Kirke's Men: Swine and Sweethearts," pp. 165-73. Helene Foley, "Penelope as Moral Agent," in Beth Cohen, ed., The Distaff Side (Oxford 1995), pp. 93-115. Jennifer Neils, "Les Femmes Fatales: Skylla and the Sirens in Greek Art," pp. 175-84. Lillian Doherty, Siren Songs: Gender, Audiences, and Narrators in the Odyssey (Ann Arbor 1995), esp. chapter 1. Mary Lefkowitz, "Seduction and Rape in Greek Myth," 17-37. Marilyn Arthur Katz, Penelope's Renown: Meaning and Indeterminacy in the Odyssey (Princeton 1991). Nancy Felson-Rubin, Regarding Penelope: From Courtship to Poetics (Princeton 1994).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

College Application Autobiography Essay

I mean, I came from this man’s dangly bits for Christ’s sake! As I look back now I realize that I probably even gave my dead/dying father a kiss and told him goodbye in his last moments. And when I say I told him goodbye I don’t mean goodbye as in ‘I love you Dad, rest in peace’, but goodbye as in, ‘be right back Dad! Man I’m hungry!’ as I ventured off in search of the hospital cafeteria in order to get some food suitable enough to be called breakfast. Honestly I couldn’t even tell you how the ride on the elevator with my younger sister and aunt went. I don’t even remember. It’s almost as though if something monumental happens to you, you only remember the really juicy, important details but pray to God no one asks you about what color your shoes were or what you ate for breakfast because you wouldn’t be able to remember. Trust me. But if you forced me, I mean really forced me to remember all that I could about the elevator ride I’d tell you that I knew something was off. It was my aunt. Something about her smile just wasn’t right. Even as a little kid I was sharp and I could tell something was off about the way her smile looked. But I had just chalked it up to pity clouding her smile just like it clouded everyone else’s. But you don’t always remember the so called â€Å"little stuff†. Take me for example. I kiss my father goodbye, leave his room with my sister and aunt in tow, locate the illusive cafeteria and sit down and eat something. Eat something. I don’t know why my lack of remembrance as to what it specifically was that I ate that day bothers me so much but I feel like I should remember everything. And I don’t know why but I really want to say it was eggs that I ate that day in the cafeteria†¦ or something in a little package. The longer I sit here and try to remember the more the image of the food on my plate that day switches. Now I think it was fruits. Yes, fruits. It definitely might have been fruits. I think if I remembered what I ate that day it would give me something to hate. Something that I could to direct all of my limitless fury to because I can’t blame myself for leaving my father that day to go to the cafeteria. I’m too conceited to place all of my blame upon myself and I can’t even place the blame on my mother for telling my aunt to take my sister and I down to the cafeteria because I was  all for the idea of stuffing my face at the time. Maybe if it was eggs that I ate that day I would have sworn off eggs for the rest of my life because in my father’s last moments I left him for eggs. Doesn’t that just sound awful? But I guess whatever it was that I ate doesn’t really matter because when we returned to the room my mother was sitting on the same window ledge where we had left her but she immediately told us to tell Dad goodbye. I think I would actually rather be hit with a ten ton elephant than have to go through that again. I think I’d rather take that absurd hit because getting walloped by an obese elephant is what it felt like had happened to me anyway. It was one of those moments that don’t actually happen to you in real life but you read about in books. That moment where your breath leaves you in one big gush and everything else around you fades because your brain has just short circuited and you’re waiting for it to right itself so that you can use it to properly grasp what is occurring around you. I remember that I had another ‘what I ate for breakfast moment’ here because when your brain is refusing to work like God intended it to it’s quit e difficult to remember things. Trust me.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

External Enviroment

Question 1 The external environment of a firm plays a very important role in the operations of the organization. Why is it important for organization in the Pacific to learn and know about what is happening in their external environment? Use examples to explain a least 5 elements in the external environment. The business dictionary defines external environment as conditions, entities, events, and factors surrounding an organization that influence its activities and choices, and determine its opportunities and risks.From this definition we can identify that external environment plays a vital role in the operations of organization. For an organization in the Pacific to maintain its longevity and productivity in the competitive world of business it is very important to be alert and attentive to the world surrounding it in terms of entities, events, and factors surrounding it that will influence its activities and choices, and determine its opportunities and risks thus maintain its compe titive edge. Technological Element The organization must be technologically efficient.Computers are now the main mode of communication. It knows no barrier. It travels through time and space, continents, companies and what not. A press of a button from Fiji can enable you to communicate with someone thousand and thousand of kilometers away living in United Kingdom. It is very important that they invest in technology through equipment, training and recruitment to be able to impact in the economy. â€Å"Never before in history has innovation offered promise of so much to so many in so short a time. †Ã‚   –Bill Gates (http://voices. ahoo. com/great-technology-quotes-sayings-5759728. html? cat=15) â€Å"The medium, or process, of our time – electric technology is reshaping and restructuring patterns of social interdependence and every aspect of our personal life. It is forcing us to reconsider and re-evaluate practically every thought, every action,†Ã‚   â₠¬â€œMarshall McLuhan (http://voices. yahoo. com/great-technology-quotes-sayings-5759728. html? cat=15) Eg. The use of ATMs (Automated Teller Machines) by commercial banks in the region has made banking effective and efficient.No longer have people be involved in long lines wait to be served. The work of two to three people have been made easier by a single machine. In a Fiji Times interview the ANZ Bank CEO Vishnu Mohan explained that, [1]ANZ customers can now carry out quick and timely automatic teller machine (ATM) transactions. . Economic Element The organization must also be aware of economic development, events and activities regionally and globally. ———————– [1] (Fiji Times, 3rd October, 2012, ATM Upgrade)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Brain Essays - Cerebrum, Corpus Callosum, Free Essays

The Brain Essays - Cerebrum, Corpus Callosum, Free Essays The Brain Your brain has two sides. And each has a distinctly different way of looking at the world. Do you realize that in order for you to read this article, the two sides of your brain must do completely different things? The more we integrate those two sides, the more integrated we become as people. Integration not only increases our ability to solve problems more creatively, but to control physical maladies such as epilepsy and migranes, replace certain damaged brain functions and even learn to "thin" into the future. Even more startling is evidence coming to light that we have become a left-brain culture. Your brain's right and left side have distinctly different ways of looking at the world. Your two hemispheres are as different from each other as, oh, Micheal Wilson and Shirley Maclean. The left brain controls the right side of the body (this is reversed in about half of the 15 percent of the population that is left-handed) and, in essence, is logical analytical, judgemental and verbal. It's interested in the bottom line, in being efficent. The right brain controls the left side of the body and leans more to the creative, the intuitive. It is concerned more with the visual and emotional side of life. Most people, if they thought about it, would identify more with their left brain. In fact, many of us think we are our left brains. All of that non-stop verbalization that goes on in our heads is the dominant left brain talking to itself. Our culture- particularly our school system with its emphasis on the three Rs (decidedly left-brain territory) - effectively represses the intuitive and artistic right brain. If you don't believe it, see how far you get at the office with the right brain activity of daydreaming. As you read, your left-side is sensibly making connections and analysing the meaning of the words, the syntax and other complex relation- ships while putting it into a "language" you can understand. Meanwhile, the right side is providing emotional and even humerous cues, decoding visual information and maintaining an integrated story structure. While all of this is going on, the two sides are constantly communicating with each other across a connecting fibre tract called the corpus callosum. There is a certain amount of overlap but essentially the two hemispheres of the brain are like two different personalities that working alone would be somewhat lacking and overspecialized, but when functioning together bring different strengths and areas of expertise to make an integrated whole. "The primitive cave person probably lived solely in the right brain," says Eli Bay, president of Relaxation Response Inc., a Toronto organization that teaches people how to relax. "As we gained more control over our environment we became more left-brain oriented until it became dominant." To prove this, Bay suggests: "Try going to your boss and saying "I've got a great hunch." Chances are your boss will say, "Fine, get me the logic to back it up." The most creative decision making and problem solving come about when both sides bring their various skills to the table: the left brain analysing issues, problems and barriers; the right brain generating fresh approaches; and the left brain translating the into plans of action. "In a time of vast change like the present, the intuitive side of the brain operates so fast it can see what's coming," says Dr. Howard Eisenberg, a medical doctor with a degree in psychology who has studied hemispheric relationships. "The left brain is too slow, but the right can see around corners." Dr. Eisenberg thinks that the preoccupation with the plodding left brain is one reason for the analysis paralysis he sees affecting world leaders. "Good leaders don't lead by reading polls," he says. "They have vision and operate to a certain extent by feel." There are ways of correcting out cultural overbalance. Playing video games, for example, automatically flips you over to the right brain Bay says. "Any artistic endavour, like music or sculpture, will also do it." In her best-selling book "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (J.P. Tarcher Inc., 1979), Dr. Betty Edwards developed a series of exercises designed to help people tap into the right brain, to actually see or process visual information, differently. She cites techniques that are as old as time, and modern high-tech versions such as biofeedback. An increasing number of medical professionals beieve that being in touch with our brain, especially the right half, can help control medical problems. For examplem Dr. Eisenberg uses what he calls

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Gain and Loss of Naming Essay Example

The Gain and Loss of Naming Essay Example The Gain and Loss of Naming Essay The Gain and Loss of Naming Essay What do we gain and what do we lose when we name something? When we name something, we are literally classifying that object or person and thus losing or manipulating the knowledge that surrounds its appearance, etc. By naming something (i. e. an object), we run the risk of not describing its appearance accurately and being misleading. An example of an object/product being deceivingly named is the Coca-Cola Companys alternative to the original version Diet Coke, formally known as Diet Coca-Cola (also known as Coca-Cola Light or Coke Light). By placing the word diet in the product name, it automatically seems like a healthier alternative to the original Coca-Cola. The difference between the two is that Diet Coke contains no sugar, instead an artificial sweetener called aspartame. Diet Coke was sweetened with aspartame after the sweetener became available in the U. S in the 80s. However, to save money, this was originally in a blend with saccharin. Unknown to the public, saccharin was actually a by-product of coal tar and was extremely damaging to health with studies showing a correlation between saccharin consumption and increased frequency of cancer. However, saccharin is not the only unsafe sweetener present in Diet Coke; certain studies have shown possible connections between aspartame and negative effects such as headaches, brain tumours, brain lesions, and lymphoma. In actual fact, Diet Coke contains no calories and is thus considered healthy; but I would prefer the sugar-abundant original Coca-Cola. At least I can be sure that Im not running the risk of developing cancer from drinking coal tar. By naming something, we run the risk of losing the concept of what it actually is, and instead gaining the connotations surrounding the word in question. Human nature includes a natural urge to identify everything in our view, which means that there is no way to avoid naming everything around us. However, naming things is also beneficial as it enables us to make reason of something so that it makes sense. It is an easy way of categorising a large amount of information that can be easily recalled in our minds by the use of one word as opposed to a long-winded description of its appearance and/or historical background of how it came to be in existence. An example of this is the word pencil one automatically thinks of the ideas: writing instrument, long, thin, wooden, mechanical, lead. Then comes the word association: sharpener, eraser, ruler, pencil case, etc. All of these words are triggered by a memory recall initiated by the use of the original word: pencil. By using a single word, the object can be referred to with the least amount of effort involved. As for naming people newborn babies in particular giving them a name gives them a sense of being and an identity. With identity comes the feeling of self-awareness. Knowing who you are is necessary for success in the ruthless society of today, and the ability to be successful is dependent on the single achievement of this characteristic. By naming things, we both classify that object or person so that they are referred to with ease, but at the same time losing or manipulating the knowledge that surrounds its appearance. However, the gain outweighs the loss in this situation; even so, the characteristic of naming things is a fundamental human thing even if it incurred a loss, we would still do it.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Best ACT Prep Websites You Should Be Using

The Best ACT Prep Websites You Should Be Using SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips When you think ofTwitterorInstagram, your first thought probably isn't aboutACT prep. But you can actually find veryhelpful ACT information on these sites and several others. Rather than relying solely on heavy ACT prep books, you can lighten your load by moving your ACT prep online. You'll find lots of free resources on everything, from test content and key strategies to high-quality practice questions. This guide will go over the besttest prep websites you should be using if you're aiming to ace the ACT. But first, a word on the perspective Ihave when it comes to ACT websites. Disclaimer: How ACT Websites Can Help You You might be wondering how objective a guide from an online ACT prep company can be about recommending other online ACT resources. To give full disclosure, I personally think PrepScholar has the most insightful and relevant ACT guides available online. We delve into every aspect of the testing process, such as choosing your test dates, understanding the scoring process, knowing exactly what's on each section, and using time-saving comprehension strategies to maximize your scores.We also take a holistic approach to test prep, keeping in mind that every student has different goals and schedules and can come from any grade in middle school or high school. That being said, there are several other websites that are important to explore and learn from as you prep for the ACT. Rather than limiting yourself to one source of information, you can best prepare yourself and boost your scores by taking advantage of all free online ACT resources. This guide is meant to help you find the best ACT websites for the following: Logistics, such as choosing your test dates and registering for the test Understanding the content and format of the test Learning strategies Locating the highest-quality practice questions that will get you ready for the ACT First, let's take a look at the official ACT website and the parts of it that are most useful to you. Official ACT Website The official ACT website is where you'll register for the ACT. Here, you'll create an account with a username and password, and then upload a photo of yourself. Besides test dates and registration, the ACT website offers a useful overview of accommodations, what to take with you on test day, and college and financial planning. Since you can find more in-depth information about mostof these areas elsewhere, I'd say the most useful part of the ACT website for test prep is its official sample questionsfor the English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing sections. After you create an ACT account, you can find an ACT Question of the Day, which can be useful to start early and study a little at a time. The site also offers a useful ACT study guide in both English and Spanish. If you don't mind spending a bit, you can also purchase the ACT Online Prep Program for $39.95. This program haslessons in English, Reading, Math, and Science; it also has two Writing prompts and sample essays. Itoffers some degree of personalization and keeps track of your progress so you know what you've studied and what you still need to review. Practice questions from ACT, Inc., are extremely useful ,as they are official questions directly from the test makers and thus the truest representation of what you'll encounter on the ACT. However, they're not updated very often, and the website has a relatively small number of ACT practice questionsavailable for free. I recommend answering these only after having done some other prep first as a way to gauge your level and figure out what you still need to improve. Another drawback of these ACT practice questions is that your answers are evaluated after each page; this formatdoesn't simulate the timing or pacing of the actual ACT. The ACT website is useful for general information and the limited number of practice questions it offers, but you'll want to look elsewhere for strategy.While this website offers a few test-taking tips, it's pretty surface level and not customized to different students. Since ACT, Inc., doesn't want to give away test-taking secrets or strategies for seeing through their tricks, the official site is not going to offer much in the way of this kind of guidance. So what other sites can you use to find strategy as well as additional high-quality ACT practice questions? These are the best sites for drawing upyour ACT game plan. Best ACT Websites for Strategy If you've searched for ACT resources online, you've probably noticedthat there are a lot more sites devoted to the SAT than the ACT. Even though the ACT is just as popular among students, the test-prep resources don't seem to havequite caught up yet. That's why you'll often search for ACT vocabulary and get referred to lists of obscure SAT vocabulary words, or try to find ACT Questions of the Dayonly to realize they're not all that specific to the test. In terms of ACT-specific content and strategy guides, I believe that PrepScholar far outstrips the competition in its level of detail and authenticity.As we'll discuss more below, though, you can also find some helpful strategies for ACT Reading, English, and Writing on Erica Meltzer's blog, The Critical Reader, and learn about the purpose of the ACT and the approaches you can take through Sparknotes. PrepScholar ACT Guides PrepScholar offers a wide variety of in-depth guides with specific, realistic ACT examples. We break down exactly what's tested on each section and give yousuggested study schedules to help you manage your time as well as strategies for guessing.What's more, we customize our advice to make it relevant to students of all grade levels and with all different target scores and schedules. Here are some of our especially helpful guides that break down exactly what's tested on each section of the ACT: What's Actually Tested on the ACT English Section? What's Actually Tested on the ACT Reading section? The 4 Types of ACT Reading Passages You Should Know What's Actually Tested on the ACT Math Section? What's Actually Tested on the ACT Science Section? The 3 Types of ACT Science Passages While these guides offer some strategy along with explanation of ACT content, you can find others that are specifically oriented toward teaching you strategies and helping you master the test: The Ultimate Free ACT Study Guide: Tips, Strategies, and Practice The Best Way to Review Your Mistakes onACT Questions The 31 ACT Critical Math Formulas You Must Know The Complete Guide to ACT Grammar Rules Time Management Tips and Section Strategy on ACT Science ACT Vocabulary | Words You Must Know How to Write an ACT Essay: Step Exactly How Long Should You Study for the ACT? 6 Step Guide Should You Guess on the ACT? 5 Guessing Strategies How to Get a Perfect ACT Score, by a 36 Full Scorer In offering you these links, our hope is thatall students will have access to the resources they need to succeed in high school and achieve their post-secondary goals. We also welcome comments and emails and try to respond to your questions and input as soon as possible. If PrepScholar's approach resonates with your ACT goals and learning style, then you should check out our ACT prep 5 day free trial. This gives you access to the full ACT prep program. At the end of the five days, you can call it a day or choose to sign up for the rest of the test prep program. The best way to make the most of these ACT guides is to try out the strategies they suggest using sample problems and timed practice tests. You can thendetermine which ones best help you comprehend the material in a deep and efficient way. Erica Meltzer's The Critical Reader Erica Meltzer posts helpful, though sometimes short, blog posts about the Reading, English, and essay sections of the ACT. They are accessible and offer tips and tricks beyond what you would find on the official ACT website. Some particularly helpful posts include the following: A suggestion for managing time on ACT English Worry about when you DO need a comma, not when you don't Do ACT Reading passages in order of most to least interesting Shortcut: paragraph "main function" Reading both this blog and PrepScholar's guides will expose you to different strategies so you can determine which ones work best for you. For instance, Meltzer suggests that students read entire passages before answering questions, which is not necessarily the advice we give for reading ACT passages. By exploring content across various sites, you can learn more than one approach and customize the advice to best fit your learning style and needs. Sparknotes and the ACT If the ACT were better served online, thenSparknotes might not have made the list as an especially useful ACT website. Since there aren't many resources for ACT strategy, though, I think Sparknotes is worth looking over for its descriptions of the test and strategies about answering questions and saving time. Like PrepScholar, Sparknotes encourages students to set target scores and shape their study plans around meeting their individualized score goals. This site is useful for an initial reading about ACT content and strategy. Once you finish reading it, you can thenmove on to other ACT websites to get more specialized advice with more specific examples from the test. Since there aren't too many specific examples given on this site, you'll have to seek out practice problems and apply the strategies yourself. That leads us to perhaps the most important part of online test prep: where can you find all the good practice questions? ACT Websites for Practice Questions As we discussed above, the official ACT website offers free sample questions for each section, an essay question, and scored sample essays. While official practice questions are the best ones for test prep, there are a lot of high-quality practice questions from well-known test-prep companies. These sites are a good start for finding free online (both official and unofficial) ACT practice questions. PrepScholar Resource for Official ACT Practice Tests Our convenient guide lets you download and print all official ACT practice testsalong with their answer keys.These are real tests administered in past years, so they're exactly like what you'll see on test day! Once you've printed out a practice test, find a quiet room and time yourself as you take it. After you finish, go back and analyze your strengths and weaknesses. You can also check out ourfree five-day trial for our ACT prep program to access tons more practice questions. PowerScore This prep website lets you download four official ACT practice tests with answer keys (these are the same tests we've compiled above). Once again, try tosimulate testing conditions to get a sense of time management and the real test experience.You should also pay close attention to how ACT questions are worded and arranged. Since there are no answer explanations here, you'll have to try to analyze your own mistakes and figure out what your errors in reasoning are for any questions you get wrong. Varsity Tutors Unlike the official practice tests you'd have to print and score yourself, Varsity Tutors offers free ACT questions you can do online and get automatically scored. These questions are helpful for reviewing concepts and reinforcing content knowledgebut less so for gaining familiarity with how actual ACT questions are structured and worded (since they're not official practice questions). Khan Academy Even though Khan Academy's test-prep videos are mainly for the SAT, they contain plenty of advice you can apply to the ACT as well. Check out our guide to using Khan Academy for ACT prep to learn exactly how to use this resource. Khan Academy has numerous videos explaining different math, science, and reading subjects, and many people find that they learn more from watching a video compared to just reading. Try Khan Academy out to see whether it's a good ACT prep resource for you. Overall, although the ACT is not as well served online as the SAT is, you can still find a number of good resources for test-taking strategy and practice questions, in the form of bothofficial tests and practice questions. But what else should you do to make the most of these resources and get prepared for the ACT? How to UseACT Websites Effectively First off, to best use the official ACT website, you'll want tocreate an account by filling out your personal information and uploading a photo. Make sure to write down your username and password since you'll be creating a lot of online accounts during the college process and don't want to find yourself locked out of your account! When it comes to PrepScholar's guides, Erica Meltzer's blog, and the other sites discussed above, simply visit them and get reading and practicing. As with theACT StudentTwitter account, you can follow PrepScholar on Twitter and Facebookor subscribe to our newsletter for helpful test-prep and college-admissions information. One site I didn't mention for test prep is College Confidential. This useful forum lets you discuss test prep and the college process andgain a sense of community among both students and parents. By sharing your questions and stories, you can get valuable insight and support as you work toward achieving your ACT goals. Above all, I highly recommend searching for and trying out strategies that you think will work best for you. Unfortunately, the official ACT website doesn't publicize many strategies that'll give you an edge on the test. There are manyvaluable approaches you can use as you prep for the ACT. Make sure toexplore these online resources and figure out what works best for you so that you can achieve your best ACT scores! What's Next? The guides on ACT strategyI mentioned above are just a few of the guides PrepScholar offers- and that we're continually adding to every day. Browse more guides on general strategies for taking the test and ones specific to Math, Science, English, Reading, and the essay. You can also learn more about the exact content and format of each ACT section, such ashow much science you actually need to know to master the ACT Science section. Are youwondering when you should sign up to take the ACT for the first time? This guide describes the most important considerations to help you choose the best test date for you. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points?We have the industry's leading ACT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and ACT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Reflection On Therapeutic Interaction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Reflection On Therapeutic Interaction - Essay Example This includes silence, enthusiasm, and touch. Touch can imply different things and is therefore, referred to as a silent language of nonverbal behavior. It is the most affectionate way of remitting warmth. An example where touch worked was when patients were anxious or impatient I would give them a warm hug or hold their hands and talk to them. Not many patients who are usually comfortable with touch and this made me learn to respect boundaries when dealing with every patient. I could also use silence as a communication skill. This could give the patient and I time to reflect on future occurrences in the patient's care. When offering therapeutic therapy nurses are required to maintain professionalism and boundaries when dealing with patients. This is because while interacting with these patients nurses like other people can become emotionally attached to patients, and this is not a good show of the therapeutic relationship. I had to be highly confidential with the patient as some of them could give extremely vulnerable information due to their health situation. In order for this therapy to work well on the patient then there needs to be trust and confidentiality. This would work whenever a patient is extremely vulnerable, and it will help improve his/her health if the trust is there. Whenever I was needed somewhere, and I was with a patient, I would assure the patient that I would come back and if I was tied down I would send a colleague to assure the patient that I was going to come back.... It is the most affectionate way of remitting warmth. An example where touch worked was when patients were anxious or impatient I would give them a warm hug or hold their hands and talk to them. Not many patients who are usually comfortable with touch, and this made me learn to respect boundaries when dealing with every patient. I could also use silence as a communication skill. This could give the patient and I time to reflect on future occurrences in the patient's care. When offering therapeutic therapy nurses are required to maintain professionalism and boundaries when dealing with patients. This is because while interacting with these patients nurses like other people can become emotionally attached to patients, and this is not a good show of the therapeutic relationship. I had to be highly confidential with the patient as some of them could give extremely vulnerable information due to their health situation. In order for this therapy to work well on the patient then there needs t o be trust and confidentiality. This would work whenever a patient is extremely vulnerable, and it will help improve his/her health if the trust is there. Whenever I was needed somewhere, and I was with a patient, I would assure the patient that I would come back and if I was tied down I would send a colleague to assure the patient that I was going to come back. This would keep the patients’ trust in me and would enable the therapy to continue working. Empathy is one trait that a nurse is required to have in order to use therapeutic therapy in treating his/her patients. A nurse should show empathy by reflecting back to the ordeals, and past experiences he/she has had to motivate a

Economic Policy in the Open Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Economic Policy in the Open Economy - Essay Example The balance of payments is based on the principle of double entry bookkeeping and the monetary value of every transaction is recorded as both a credit and a debit. Debits and credits in the balance of payments are collected into groups on the basis of what is exported or imported. The partitioning of these groups varies between countries however. We generally divide the balance of payments into four traditional subdivisions: current account, unilateral account, capital account, and gold account, these in return contain the value of goods and services either exported or imported plus dividend and interest income and payment, second entry for gift received, imports and exports of assets like bonds and common stocks and, the import and export of gold for commercial purposes, respectively. The import of a bond or any asset similar in context is recorded as a debit in the capital account. Since its purchase results in the country’s residents paying out money or capital, the import of a bond, like any other debit entry in the capital account, is called a capital outflow. On the other hand, the export of a bond means the residents actually receive money or capital; and thus, the export of a bond, like other credit entries made in the capital account, is called a capital inflow. ... According to the Statistical Bulletin, The UK’s current account deficit was recorded to be ?15.2 billion in the third quarter of 2011, the highest value recorded as yet. Its trade deficit extended to ?9.9 billion in the third quarter of 2011, an increase of ?2.7 billion since the previous quarter. The income surplus was ?0.3 billion which is actually the smallest surplus ever since the fourth quarter of 2000. Moreover, the international investment position recorded UK net liabilities of ?245.5 billion at the end of the third quarter 2011 which outweigh the inward investment of ?22 billion by at least ten times. In the recent picture, the increasing balance of payments deficit is only adding to the mound of problems. The repercussions produced by slowdown in exports followed by increasing faster growth in imports of goods and services caused by a rise in the value of sterling against other currencies has indeed led to a worsening balance of payments’ position. Due to the increasing deficit, the government has responded by the introduction of tough austerity measures aimed at narrowing the budgetary deficit; however this has only led to soaring unemployment and rising business bankruptcies. There is a loss of employment because UK businesses are losing market share and output to cheaper imports from overseas. A fall in business confidence and a decline in capital investment spending by UK exporting firms have been witnessed primarily because of the continually declining aggregate demand. Balance of payments deficits are nearly always bad for the economy, except if a country is importing a high volume of goods and services to make available diverse resources to its citizens. However, in the long term if the trade deficit is a symptom of a weak economy and a lack of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Health Promotion in Nursing Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Health Promotion in Nursing Care - Essay Example This essay aims to address the following concerns: how is health promotion defined?, what is the purpose of health promotion in nursing practice?, how are nursing roles and responsibilities evolving in health promotion?, how do nurses in all areas of nursing implement health promotion? And also compare the three levels of health promotion prevention. It is stated that the purpose of health promotion is encompassed in the definition provided by Maben, which states that the purpose of health promotion is to increase awareness of those patients being addressed and taken cared of by nurses in terms of improving the status of health with the ultimate goal of preventing illnesses. Likewise, the pertinent issues of health promotion are envisioned to be disseminated to all mentioned above to assist in coping with identified diseases. As indicated, the purpose is clearly to enhance awareness through educating and application interventions depending on the level of health promotion. The three levels of health promotion are: primary, secondary, and tertiary health promotions, specifically defined as follows: primary health promotion is focused with the prevention of new cases of injury or illness, secondary health promotion assumes that an injury or illness has already emerged and the nurses aims to minimize deterioration and tertiary health promotion needs application of identified interventions in cases of the onset of chronic disease and finally, to actively assist in efforts to rehabilitate chronic health status of patients.

ETHICS, LAW AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

ETHICS, LAW AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT - Essay Example Although, the augmenting complexity of business, because of the extensive transformations and developments of the technologies and globalization offers an apparent indication that now we have in an extremely complex business environment and is turning out to be more complex due to novel ethical, cultural, social and legal transformations (Maniam & Teetz, 2009). Business and corporate â€Å"Ethics† is an everyday incidence in the business world as well as in someone’s life. Business ethics is the similar to a normal ethics. These both kinds of ethical practices offer us to identify, what is wrong or right, or else we are in process of discovering what is wrong or right in the environment in which one is concerned. An ethical matter can not have a tangible response; therefore a persons preference can rely on that persons state of affairs. This can take place for the reason that "business and corporate ethics is a large and murky area as well as the place of work is full o f ethical problems and issues. As a result, workers reaction to force to perform can resort to unprincipled decisions so as to convene the objectives they experience are difficult. This can take place at some level of administration (Tutor2u, 2009). This report presents the detailed analysis of the Wal-Mart business and its associated ethical factors. The Wal-Mart is acknowledged as the king of marketplace because of its huge size. It has driven lesser retailers out of commerce; forced companies to be well-organized, frequently leading these suppliers to move industrial jobs overseas; and changed the method that up till now large and established productions do business. Wal-Mart has existence or death decisions over all the customer supplies industries that survive in the US, for the reason that it is the number-one supplier-retailer of the majority of our customer goods, not still toys, clothes, shoes but home applications, electronic goods,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Family Law issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Family Law issues - Essay Example It is important to get into matrimonial alliance with a life time strategy. Trial and error methods cannot work because there are certain issues that simply do not work on trial and error strategy. Selflessness and sacrifices do not go hand in hand with trial and error strategies. Rather they work exclusively in relationships where the partners are quite clear that marriage is a do-or-die affair, where one swim or sink together. In simple terms, you are either in the circle or out of it. One either learns to command and lead from the front or tail away at the rear in meek, abject surrender to the leader's beck and call. The first few steps and promises at the altar at the time of marriage are only symbolic. They only expound the binding factor that what God has put together, nobody puts asunder! Once this sanctity is broken or tampered with, it breaks a natural order at a very high cost to the couple and other innocent lives leaving them to bear the disastrous consequences for no fault of theirs. Teresa's matrimonial history is the regular mix of trial and error and these are best handled at the initial stage. It is commonly acknowledged that nobody is perfect, and by and large, few will readily admit their faults and shortcomings at the start of a relationship. The proverbial stitch in time saves nine applies to long term relationships like marriage. Teresa accepted George's lies about his aristocratic ancestry without discretion. She married him in the hope that there was a windfall headed her way through him. She was also fortunate enough to live through almost a decade of blissful married life when she gave birth to two sons, William and Liam. Nonetheless, now Teresa is going through testing times due to George's changed behavior and perceived lack of interest in their family affairs. The problem is compounded due to his alcoholism, abusive behavior which is degenerating to violence. The last straw in her tolerance level is breached when he discloses his intention to change his name and sex. In all probability, George has developed with homosexual symptoms and is in a gay relationship. (Gender recognition) 2. The Options Left with no reasonable option, Teresa is considering divorce and annulment of her marriage to George. She is also considering protection from George's abusive behavior and possibility of physical attacks in future. Prima facie, Teresa has good case for divorce. However, in the absence of solid proof she is not in a position to initiate legal action. She has to make sure that she has all the facts in place so that if and when she does file for divorce, the proceedings are in her favor. She also wants to know if George could be made to leave the house. Obviously, she is keen on holding on to their house for herself and her children. Legal procedures are complicated and require expert legal advisors to handle the case. The application of legal terms and procedures differ from case to case. For instance, once the case is filed

How does the No Child Left Behind Act affect Leadership in Early Research Paper

How does the No Child Left Behind Act affect Leadership in Early Childhood programs - Research Paper Example There is a conflict between the student’s learning ability and performance and the reputation of the school. Hence it might be difficult for the schools to achieve the targets set by the act unless suitable changes are applied.   How does the ‘No Child Left Behind’  Act affect Leadership in Early Childhood programs   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001(NCLB) is a breakthrough educational reform that has been designed to improve achievement of the student and alter the American schooling culture. The then president George Bush signed the NCLB Act on 8th January 2002 as he earmarked its inception as the start of a new era. NCLB’s aim is to guarantee quality as well as equality in educational provision to all students to bridge the gap between the underprivileged students and their prosperous peers. The major functions of NCLB are to support learning activities in the nascent ages of education thereby ensuring prevention of any diffi culties in learning processes that might arise later, provide more information regarding a child’s progress and performance to his/her parents, improve quality of teaching and learning by providing requisite information to principals of schools and the teachers, enrich the schools with more and better resources, provide more funds to research oriented programs and curriculums, provide more flexibility, provide attention to things that work in future (No Child Left Behind- A Parent’s Guide, 2003, pp. 1-3; Glenn, & Marytza, 2011, pp 1-2; Nichols, Dowdy,& Nichols, 2010, pp. 1-2). The paper will assess whether the act has been effectual with respect to the early childhood programs and how it affects leadership in such programs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The NCLB Act has been subject of appraisal as well as criticism from various circles, though it has obtained very little notice in the legal literature and mostly due to its overemphasis on te sting. There has been a bifurcation among the academicians regarding the feasible targets and real achievements of the NCLB Act. Those in support of this Act are of the view that it has completely succeeded in achieving its impressive targets and they often promote the hard accountability procedures of the NCLB Act. Many academicians and politicians have criticized NCLB’s policies that focus on testing as the main mode of assessment of the progress of a school. They also blame the federal government for heavily interfering with the local and state authorities on issues of education while miserably failing to supply requisite funds for the proceeds of this Act. In truth, the NCLB Act does highlight a quandary at the root of all test-based methods of accountability. However, testing alone is not sufficient to assess the school‘s proper assessment. It in turn binds the teachers to teach things that are related to the syllabus and books and not the wider aspects of the curr iculum, which would lead to a time loss, which could have been utilized, on other educational purposes. Moreover, it encourages institutions that play the leading role in such programs to drop out underperforming students rather than expand resources to help these students perform well in their education. The Act is so designed to elevate the segregation by race as well as class, and throw lower performing students out of the school, which makes it even harder for the destitute students to carry on their competition with the more affluent pupils. The Act claims to provide the best of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Family Law issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Family Law issues - Essay Example It is important to get into matrimonial alliance with a life time strategy. Trial and error methods cannot work because there are certain issues that simply do not work on trial and error strategy. Selflessness and sacrifices do not go hand in hand with trial and error strategies. Rather they work exclusively in relationships where the partners are quite clear that marriage is a do-or-die affair, where one swim or sink together. In simple terms, you are either in the circle or out of it. One either learns to command and lead from the front or tail away at the rear in meek, abject surrender to the leader's beck and call. The first few steps and promises at the altar at the time of marriage are only symbolic. They only expound the binding factor that what God has put together, nobody puts asunder! Once this sanctity is broken or tampered with, it breaks a natural order at a very high cost to the couple and other innocent lives leaving them to bear the disastrous consequences for no fault of theirs. Teresa's matrimonial history is the regular mix of trial and error and these are best handled at the initial stage. It is commonly acknowledged that nobody is perfect, and by and large, few will readily admit their faults and shortcomings at the start of a relationship. The proverbial stitch in time saves nine applies to long term relationships like marriage. Teresa accepted George's lies about his aristocratic ancestry without discretion. She married him in the hope that there was a windfall headed her way through him. She was also fortunate enough to live through almost a decade of blissful married life when she gave birth to two sons, William and Liam. Nonetheless, now Teresa is going through testing times due to George's changed behavior and perceived lack of interest in their family affairs. The problem is compounded due to his alcoholism, abusive behavior which is degenerating to violence. The last straw in her tolerance level is breached when he discloses his intention to change his name and sex. In all probability, George has developed with homosexual symptoms and is in a gay relationship. (Gender recognition) 2. The Options Left with no reasonable option, Teresa is considering divorce and annulment of her marriage to George. She is also considering protection from George's abusive behavior and possibility of physical attacks in future. Prima facie, Teresa has good case for divorce. However, in the absence of solid proof she is not in a position to initiate legal action. She has to make sure that she has all the facts in place so that if and when she does file for divorce, the proceedings are in her favor. She also wants to know if George could be made to leave the house. Obviously, she is keen on holding on to their house for herself and her children. Legal procedures are complicated and require expert legal advisors to handle the case. The application of legal terms and procedures differ from case to case. For instance, once the case is filed

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Coco Chanel - Fashion Merchandising Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Coco Chanel - Fashion Merchandising - Assignment Example The essay "Coco Chanel - Fashion Merchandising" focuses on the Coco Chanel and her strategies. Coco Chanel never thrived from a fashion background, but hailed from a poverty stricken family. Coco was a performer in her early life periods after pursing a singing career as a nightclub singer. She seemed to be comfortable with singing and the career appeared to be her forte. Nonetheless, Coco realized that her fortune lied elsewhere far from the music industry. She thus later moved to fashion industry, where she left a mark before her demise. It was not until 1920s that Coco stamped a lasting authority in the world of fashion. In the years preceding World War I, Women’s attires were very restrictive and tended to make them more feminine. Women simply dressed to please men. Coco revolutionized the fashion industry by breaking that code by developing simpler clothing for women, which were more practical. Coco brought into existence female trousers as well as suits, which was strang e owing to the female dress code in the preceding years. Coco became iconic during mid 1920s not only for specializing in female garments, but also for the historic â€Å"black dress†, which took the fashion industry by storm. Coco launched Chanel No. 5 fragrance in 1922 and also initiate Chanel signature cardigan jacket in 1925. Coco worked as a nurse in the middle of World War II, but had to get into hiding following her affair with a Nazi soldier. In 1954, she returned to Paris where she bounced back to fashion world.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Bank of America Essay Example for Free

Bank of America Essay In a workplace where multiculturalism exists is a diverse and successful workplace. Diversity helps workers and customers to do business freely because majority of customers are comfortable to communicate with people from their own culture. Pacific City Bank a financial company, which is not a diverse bank, has employees from only one culture and this has made way for customers from the same culture to be comfortable to do business with them. From the higher level C.F.O to the vice president of the company everyone is from the same culture. It is positive fact for the customers from the same culture to feel comfortable to communicate and have safety when doing business, but there are many negative effects of not having diversity in a workplace. When your doing business in a multicultural country, it is not viable to stick to doing business only with one culture, as the potential of the company cannot be reached. Customers from other cultures would not be comfortable to do business, as they cannot understand their language or might feel out of place to do business. Whereas Wells Fargo another financial company, which is majorly known for diverse workplace has more benefits compared to Pacific city bank. Customers are more comfortable to bank with Wells Fargo, as they feel comfortable with the choices of diverse people available to communicate with. Wells Fargo’s main goal is to make their customers comfortable while banking with them. By hiring diverse employees, their workers will understand basic methods on how to act in front of another employee or customer from different cultures. Wells Fargo respects other cultures and policies. The company’s council including the Chairman, C.E.O and other senior leaders meet quarterly to establish goals and set up directions when partnering with committee in the areas where there is diversity and market segment diversity. They ensure there is supporting infrastructure and inclusion- related behaviors as the â€Å"work of all† versus the â€Å"work of a few†.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

The world is ending: prophecy, weaponry, and ecology. Amanda Finn South University 1/16/2014 Did you know that â€Å"globally 15 million children under the age of five die each year because of diseases caused by polluted drinking water†. (, 2012). â€Å"There are today more than 17,000 nuclear warheads, some fear a nuclear war between India and Pakistan, involving 100 Hiroshima-size bombs -- less than 0.5% of the world's nuclear arsenal.† (Ira Helfand updated 1:21 AM EST, Tue December 10, 2013 The human race is going to kill this planet whether it is from massive amounts of different types of pollution or nuclear destruction. With the increase of pollution humans are speeding up the process called global warming or the â€Å"greenhouse effect† which is â€Å"an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate† ( (n.d.). Retrieved from Warming?s=t ). Global warming is causing extreme changes in our weather patterns, from the massive string of tornados that ripped through the Midwest in 2011 to the surge of tsunamis in the Philippines just this past year. Carbon pollution is the main reason our planet is getting hotter, upping the chances for extreme weather disasters, drought and floods (NRDC. (n.d.). Retrieved from Just last year the worst drought in 50 years claimed our breadbasket region, it was declared a drought disaster area. What is it going to take or how bad does it have to get before we finally do somet... ...and-security/safety-of-plants/fukushima-accident/. (2013, 01 14). Retrieved from The Fukushima nuclear disaster showed us once again that nuclear reactors are dangerous. Not only do they cause damage to our planet but to the health of populations and to national economies. None of the world’s 436 nuclear reactors are safe from human errors or natural disasters.(n.d.). Retrieved from Another form of nuclear destruction is nuclear warheads. A nuclear bomb is a â€Å"bomb whose force is due to uncontrolled nuclear fusion or nuclear fission.† ( (n.d.). Retrieved from

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Canyon - GMC’s Ultimate Compact Truck :: essays research papers

The Canyon - GMC’s Ultimate Compact Truck The Canyon is GMC’s ultimate compact truck. The truck itself comes in three different types: regular cab, crew cab, and king cab. One particular canyon, for example, is a regular cab pick-up. It can be any color the potential buyer desires. Dark red is the most common color, and a light gray interior usually comes included in the package. Its sleek design provides for minimal wind resistance, and there is a lot of space in the cab. It has a liner installed in the bed, decent rims, and standard hub- caps. There is a little Jesus fish that has been glued on to the tail- gate for decoration. The cab has a newly installed radio/CD player and the standard speakers are decent. The side mirrors are large and it really helps increase the drivers’ visibility, when driving. The tires, however, are sub-standard, but apart from that this truck is a grade A machine. Impressions and messages that people get from objects tell them many things about what its there for, why is it like that, what are the owners tastes, and so on and so forth. This particular canyon (that one mentioned earlier) is a dark red color. This color exudes confidence, endurance, friendliness, and intelligence. The attitude, that the color impresses upon people is a lay back and take it easy attitude. There is a saying that goes along the lines of â€Å"The covering reflects on what is within†. This saying refers to a person’s possessions, and how they are kept, and that reflects upon what kind of person the owner really is. Same thing applies to the truck. The sporty design shows that the driver has some sense of style, and it also hints at the powerful engine under the hood. The standard rims and hub -caps show that the owner is comfortable with what they look like, and it also shows what kind of person he/she is. They are practical, and they think, why waste money on rims? When they could be spending their money on more useful things. The flashy, styling front of the truck gives off a charisma of coolness and intelligence. The front design just shows people how the designers put their imagination and skill to the test. It shows in their work that they have a lot of class and style. The overall design is so enticing that people who might see the truck and look for the logo to see who made it.

Friday, October 11, 2019

CIPD Notes Essay

Terms of Reference To investigate how an HR practitioner within East Surrey College (ESC) should ensure that they deliver timely and effective HR services to meet user’s needs. The report was requested by Charles Sleet, HR Director, on 11/11/2013 to be presented on 14/01/2014. Procedure 1. Understanding different customer needs in HR. 2. Communicating effectively in HR. 3. Building and maintaining effective service in HR. 1. Two HR colleagues were interviewed in order to determine who the 3 main customers of the HR department were. Furthermore, requests and enquiries that came through to HR were recorded via the same HR colleagues to identify the main needs of the customers during a period of three weeks from 13th November to 4th December. The way in which these needs are prioritised was recorded. 2. A questionnaire was issued to 20 members of staff to discover the most effective communication method. Staff members were chosen through random sampling. 3. An interview was held with the HR Business Partner to gain insight into the main areas of effective service delivery and how it is constructed. Findings 1. Understanding Customers needs After interviews with the two HR Practitioners, the three main customers of the HR Department were identified as follows: Type of customer Key needs Candidates for interview Gaining information on the outcome of their interview A swift pre-employment check process, ensuring a quick start into a new job Heads of Department (HoD) Absence levels of employees Monitoring online training completion Employees Requesting a copy of their own CPD log – these are updated and kept on HR records Enquiring about upcoming training events The HR practitioners highlighted that the needs of different customers may conflict. An example could be a HoD enquiring about the completion of a member of staffs online training courses conflicting with an enquiry coming in at the same time of a staff member urgently trying to find out when the next ‘Teaching and Learning’ forum is due to take place. Maximum service delivery has to be initiated with regards to these needs – therefore the HR practitioners advised on the ways these needs are prioritised. These prioritise are; Timescales – some requests may have longer timescales than others. These timescales therefore contribute to the importance of the arisen needs. Consequence and risk to the company – discovering the consequences and risks to the company helps prioritise incoming needs and enquiries. For example, it would be seen as more important to provide a HoD with an absence level report for their department than it would to advise a member of staff on their current CPD record. 2. Methods of communication After analysing feedback from the completed questionnaires, highlighted below are 3 methods of communication appropriate to employees at ESC at different levels: Communication method Advantages Disadvantages Face-to-face Immediate feedback Gives a personal touch, body language can be read Can use facial expressions to enhance communication Can be lengthy if certain attendees are unavailable to meet No chance to go away and think about an answer No privacy as someone could overhear Email Can take time over response Large amounts of information can be sent e.g. attachments Able to pass on information without interrupting someone Lack of body language and tone Impersonal Emails can be misinterpreted Phone Immediate interaction with someone far away More personal than an email Ability to transfer calls across locations/conference calls Can be disrupted by hindrance of poor signal Lots of details over the phone can be hard to record 3. The key components of effective HR Service Delivery Delivering service on time – SLAs need to be SMART, in particular they should be realistic and achievable. For example, in the HR Department at ESC HR practitioners aim employ a new member of staff in, at most, 4 weeks from the  date they were verbally offered the role. This is important as it earns the department respect and often means customers will look to reply in the same, efficient way. Delivering service on budget – It is important to ensure that you keep within budget but still deliver a high level of service as going over budget can incur costs financially. Costs that need rectifying mean that other areas would then be restricted to an even lower budget. Dealing with difficult customers – Identify the problem, stay calm, and understand how it can be resolved. Handing and resolving complaints – With the secure SLA in place, the query should be met in a timely way to elude complaints. Any complaints that do arise should be dealt with in an equally timely and professional way . Keeping customers in the loop with updates on progress is key. Conclusions 1. ESC use all 3 methods identified (phone, email, face-to-face) to communicate to employees at all levels, making sure the correct method is used 2. Consequences and timescales were key as methods used to prioritise conflicting needs in the workplace. 3. the HR Business Partner delivers and expresses a high level of service that fits with the four outlined objectives.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Resort World Sentosa

Resorts World Sentosa Private Limited is the leisure and gaming company that owns and operates Singapore’s biggest Integrated Resort, a 49-hectare development called Resorts World Sentosa. The mega resort is located on Singapore's holiday island of Sentosa. The S$6. 59 billion must-see destination welcomed its first visitors at its soft opening in early 2010. Resorts World Sentosa started operations with the four hotels in January, the Resorts World Casino in February and  Universal Studios Singapore ® family theme park in March, along with  MICE facilities that include one of Asia’s largest Grand Ballrooms.It offers a wide range of entertainment and shows, as well as celebrity chef restaurants, brand-name boutiques and a half-kilometer long shopping and dining Strip named FestiveWalk. Two more hotels, the Marine Life Park and the Maritime Experiential Museum will be added in subsequent phases of the resort’s growth. Resorts World Sentosa is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Genting Singapore Public Limited Company (PLC), a leisure and gaming company listed on the mainboard of the Singapore Exchange. Genting Singapore PLC is part of the Genting Group that is listed in Malaysia.Dining can be a fun experience at Universal Studios Singapore. For some classic American fare, grab a gourmet sandwich at Celebrity Cafe and Bakery or sink your teeth into savory cheese burgers at Mel’s Drive-In. You might just be entertained by dancing and singing servers. Craving for some oriental flavour? Taste authentic Cantonese cuisine at Hollywood China Bistro or go for South East Asian favourites like noodles and curries at Casa Del Wild. Be it fine-dining or a quick casual lunch you’re after, it’ll be full-filling and fabulous! 3. 2. Service Quality This problem may occur every time even from professional staff, especially, untrained or unqualified staff. For example, when guests want to know some products such as wine list details, they can ask every staff, current F;amp;B staff, rotated staff, or casual staff, because they assume all staff are trained with basic of service knowledge. If a staff gives haphazard information, they will not judge only the staff but also the hotel. 3. 2. 2 Negative brand image When guests are unhappy with poor service, they love to complain to the staff.Dissatisfied guest may never return to use your service again because they do not believe that the service is not worth for their expense. Moreover, dissatisfied guests often tell about bad experience to their friends. This is call negative word of mouth. Negative word of mouth is the most powerful to make the business goes down because people like to ask other people for recommendation ; furthermore, it is the easiest way to find in internet. Most people love to know the bad experience more than good one. So the brand image is used very long time for recovery 1. Personal Benefits ;amp; experiencesHaving internship in Universal Studio Singapore was a great opportunity for me. In there, I worked in fine dining restaurant for 3 months, another 3 months was fast food restaurant. Honestly, I have gained many experiences from them. In fine dining restaurant KT’s Grill and fast food restaurant Celebrity Cafe ;amp;Bakery are totally different, no matter atmosphere, service standard. Western outlet it focuses on the service quality and cafe more concentrate at the service efficiency. So the internship not only shows me that what theoretical knowledge I have to study or learn more but also shows me as the career pathway.Additionally the wok experience will also help build an excellent resume (including relevant work experience) for when I’m out of the classroom and getting a job. 1. 1 F;amp;B operating knowledge Six months working experiences in 2 restaurant, gives me a better understanding about the nature of F;amp;B industry. In western restaurant KT’s Grill, the most important part is the table ser vice â€Å"Table Service† is a restaurant industry term that can mean either the presentation of food to patrons by waiters, or the place settings present on each table.Restaurants without either are usually referred to as â€Å"counter service† establishments. Most fast-food chains fall within this category, as patrons must place their orders, collect their food, and pick up any needed utensils at a centrally located counter, just like my second outlet, celebrity cafe. Table service establishments are usually more expensive, but more work is involved on the restaurant’s part both to set and clear tables and to present food to order. When taken to mean place settings, service typically consists of utensils, a napkin, and a water glass or goblet.After customers order food, a filled dish is added to complete the place setting. Depending on the type of meal typically served, much more may also be included. Traditional Western table service has several types and siz es of spoons, forks, and knives. Larger spoons are for soup, while smaller ones are used for eating dessert or stirring coffee. All place settings have a standard-sized dinner fork, while smaller forks are used for salad and dessert. Steak knives as well as duller, butter-type knives for bread may also be included. Talking about the table delivery, it can create challenges.It is not always easy for me to hold a food and drink-packed tray upright while weaving through dining tables and watching out for other guests at first. Waiters must often spend a lot of time practicing in order to ensure flawless delivery. Many restaurants spend a great deal of time thinking about the message their table service sends. Preparing dishes directly in front of the customer typically takes more time per dish, and is costly in terms of staff attention. If it helps promote a certain ambiance, however, it is usually worth it.Like our restaurant, it is an open kitchen which the guests can see the process how the chef cooking the food. The same is true with staff appearance. Servers who are dressed well, in formal wear, female staff wear white blouse and black skirt, and male staff wear black pant. It often projects a certain image that is lost when they come to the table in jeans. Usually, restaurants design all aspects of their table service to reflect the sort of ambiance they want to create. Fine dining restaurant may have well worn cutlery as its table service, while expensive eateries tend to have more elegant tableware.The decor in restaurants is also crucial as patrons are often eating not just for the food, but also for the overall experience. Everything from the quality and color of the tablecloth to the presence of flowers and overall durability of flatware and goblets plays a part in projecting the image and feel of the establishment. When comes to the menu, it is difficult for us to understand the English menu, because not familiar with the name of food, especially in E nglish version, like striplion, banger;amp;mash, and some desserts as well.Moreover, we have to know what kind of sauce in it, the ingredients†¦ It is a huge challenge for me at first, I have to go through the menu everyday, this practice slowly established a basic knowledge in my mind about the food and beverage that we usually served. And after a week, I can take order everyday, which quickly deepen my understanding all the items in the menu. We must be knowledgeable about the food and beverage so that we will able to answer and handle any question or problems the guest may have. While after I transfer to Celebrity Cafe, 1. 2 Service Sequence Seat the guest ;amp; pass them the menu ;amp;unfold the napkin for them -After order, offer the bread before Appetizer? -Sever the appetizer first – When theoretical experience meets real work experience, it shows many benefits between a management trainee who has knowledge and staff who has work experience and knowledge. The bene fits can be knowledge sharing because the trainee will use his/her knowledge to solve the problem, on the other hand, the staff will use his/her experience. For other benefits, the trainee can be realized that the selected position or department is suitable for them for choosing career pathway in the future.

An Analysis of Sonnet 130 Essay

Iambic Pentameter: The poem uses an iambic pentameter, a rhythmic scheme used in sonnets. The rhyme scheme is ABABCDCDEFEF GG, and is split into three quatrains and a rhyming couplet. It contains 10 syllables per line, with syllables alternating between unstressed and stressed when spoken aloud. This gives the sonnet the effect of sounding like a regular love poem, but upon closer examination of the words used we can tell that the poem and its intentions are completely different. The Final Couplet: In Sonnet 130, the persona describes the woman with unflattering terms such as â€Å"black wires grow on her head† and â€Å"in the breath from that my mistress reeks†. However, even though he points out her numerous flaws he still declares his love for her, suggesting that he embraces all her traits and characteristics and loves her nonetheless. This is further exemplified in the final couplet of the poem, â€Å"And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare; as any she belied with false compare. This sudden contrast, despite being contradictory to the previous lines of the poem, is significant in showing that regardless of her flaws he is still wholly in love with her. Throughout the poem, the persona compares his mistress to that of an imaginary, perfect woman. However, in the last lines we see that the persona chooses the real woman with all her imperfections over the â€Å"goddess† he has never seen. Rhyme Alternating rhymes: The rhyme schem e is ABABCDCDEFEF GG. â€Å"Sun† rhymes with â€Å"dun†, â€Å"red† and â€Å"head†, and so on, before ending with â€Å"rare† and â€Å"compare†. This enhances the image of a seemingly dull woman that the persona describes – the woman in question is said to have breasts which are dun, suggesting that she is sexually unattractive. Her lips are contrasted with that of coral, â€Å"Coral far more red than her lips’ red†. Red is the colour of sensuality, and thus the persona is stating that she is not a sensual woman. The effect that this rhyming scheme gives is to contrast the persona’s definition of beauty as a part of nature and the woman’s flaws. Third Quatrain and Final Couplet: The persona declares that he would â€Å"love to hear her speak†, despite her voice being less beautiful than music. This is the first time in the poem that praise has been conferred upon the persona’s mistress. He then goes on to compare the woman with that of a goddess, the highest being and his imperfect mistress. The final lines introduce a change in the rhyming scheme, with a couplet ending the rhythmic three quatrains. The couplet is used to introduce a new idea, that despite the woman’s flaws, the persona ‘s love for her is higher than that of the heavens. This highlights a key theme of the poem – regardless of the woman’s physical flaws and looks, the persona is able to see past her looks and still be beautiful in his eyes. This is significant because in the Shakespearean Era, the role of women was to please man with a beautiful face and body, and here we see Shakespeare expressing his love for a woman who did not possess many of these qualities.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

International business finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International business finance - Essay Example It is obvious that each time a business is considering going abroad in its operations, there are likely risks that it is to face. These may be in regards to dealing with the local culture of the new market, the language, business practices and the regulations by the foreign governments (Tolentino 2000). A business has to therefore critically consider these factors before deciding on whether or not to venture on its operations abroad. Legal requirements; this has to be considered to help ensure that the business will oblige to the rules and regulations that support business in the new country (Eitemann, Stonehill & Moffett 1998). Lack of adherence to such rules and regulations normally cause conflicts and business problems in the process of trying to acquire new licenses or permits to commence operations. In most of the developing countries, the procedures or the rules are normally unnecessarily long due to the bureaucracies governing business procedures in those countries (Tolentino 2000). Therefore IBF must expect uphill tasks in obtaining such licenses in both majorities of the Asian and African states. The procedure of venturing into East Europe would not be quite hard since their regulatory procedures are quite easier. IBF should therefore get a way of accessing the legal procedures of the countries they want to exploit in each of the regions identified to avoid the possibility of paying huge fines and penalties for breach of laws. Thorough research on both business and accounting requirements and this will take place by hiring foreign accountant and legal attorney from those countries (Madura 1999). IBF should also consider the language in such a country since language barrier has in the past proved to be the greatest hindrance to business operations. The ease of understanding the official language should therefore be well known in advance. This owes to the fact that language is very important hence the business must consider the possibility and the cost o f hiring a translator in case they have to invest in a country where a language they don’t speak is spoken (Eitemann, Stonehill & Moffett 1998). The other factor is the cross cultural issues; these issues are to a large extent likely to affect business operations depending on the products. This will also dictate the manner in which business operations will be effected since it is not always automatic that business operations take the same direction in different operation environments. Cultural differences may influence the way business associates interact and hence influence the attitude (Tolentino 2000). The business intending to expand its operations abroad should also consider the risks both business and financial that they are likely to face in the foreign markets. This is done through thorough market analysis to weigh the risk exposures and the returns. This will inform on the decision of the prospects to undertake such ventures or drop them. Is risks become more than th e expected returns then the business is not profitable and is as good as not undertaken. Political factors are also necessary since businesses are only able to thrive in peaceful environments. Countries facing political instabilities are not good for business hence should be avoided by IBF due to the high political risks that they are likely to face. Therefore before a business ventures its operations in another country, they

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Womens Rights in the 1930s. A decade of setbacks Research Paper

Womens Rights in the 1930s. A decade of setbacks - Research Paper Example It provides that â€Å"The rights of the citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex†. Thus began the 1920s on an optimistic note. Women’s suffrage was seen as a new start for equal rights for women and the increase of mainstreaming of women’s voices in policy decisions and strategies. The Great Depression and its impact However, the crash of the stock market in 1929 brought the economy into a tailspin and short-circuited women’s rights’ progress. During The Great Depression of the 1930s employment rates declined and women came to be perceived as the ones to forsake their claim on employment to give way to men. According to the 1930 census almost eleven million women, or 24.3 percent of all women in the country, were gainfully employed. Three out of every ten of these working women were in domestic or personal service Three-quarters of the professional women were school teachers or nurses. Women in the 1930s in fact entered the workforce at a rate twice that of men—primarily because employers were willing to hire them at reduced wages. For the most part women worked long hours for low wages in the 1930s. More than half of all employed women worked for more than fifty hours a week, and more than one-fifth worked for more than fifty-five hours (Cabell Phillips, 1969). So while large numbers of women worked during the Depression, their status actually decreased (Moran, M.1989). The American Federation of Labor was established for organized, skilled, craft workers, and most women still held unskilled factory jobs thus they were excluded from unionization. The American Federation of Labor did not see the need to include women and neither did the majority of the population. Instead of employment and benefits to male and female alike, women were shuttled back into the home, to be protected and sentimentalized over once again. Altered perception In the depression years of the 1930s women were portrayed in the home. Peggy Preston writes in her paper Advertising's Portrayal of Women in the Workplace from the 1930s to the 1950s ,†To reinforce the concern of society to get women out of the workplace, advertisements portrayed women at home, in the kitchen or with the children. Advertisements portraying men, on the other hand, placed men in the workplace. "He is working to improve your model," declares a 1935 Time magazine advertisement which pictures a man working upon an engine for General Motors which has not yet been perfected. In April of 1930† Some women did come to prominence in the 1930s. Frances Perkins was named the first woman cabinet member in President Franklin Delano Roosevelt tenure but she herself asserted that married women ought not to shirk their responsibilities to their families by seeking outside employment. Josephine McGowan (1931) commented â€Å"In ten years, we have seen the political potential ities of women voters recognized by farseeing politicians who have rather grudgingly in many instances taken them into the councils of their parties, making them vice-chair of this or that local or state national committee; for the time has not yet arrived when men will voluntarily entrust to women the actual dispensation of party authority or patronage†. Decrease in Status So while large numbers of women worked, eleven million in all (Cabell Phillips, 1969), during the Depression, their status actually decreased. During the 1930s, the percentage of master's degrees and doctorates earned by women dropped significantly. While female university education increased substantially, those who attended college found the formerly high quality comprehensive education

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Hate Violence Turn it off by Tim Goodman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hate Violence Turn it off by Tim Goodman - Essay Example Goodman reiterates his thesis statement throughout his essay to make sure that his argument is easy enough to understand and his reasoning simple enough to follow. The social context of this essay is applicable to almost anyone, from young children to concerned adults. While this essay seems to be meant for children, in actual fact Goodman is trying to get through to parents because he knows they are in a position to enforce change in the family home. Goodman used logical arguments that parents would understand, but even more important was the fact that he did not go overboard by criticizing parents too much. The author tried to steer parents away from complaining about violence on television to a local official and instead use the remote to take control back of the television. I feel that Goodman did make a good choice for the intended audience and purpose of this assignment because if he had missed the mark then he may have made people resent his argument. The writer used a clear structure to his essay with three distinct supporting arguments. More importantly, Goodman continually stressed the overall purpose of the essay after every couple of paragraphs so that the reader did not forget what the argument was. Goodman used to tone and language that was necessary for parents of young kids to hear. He tried to get on their side by pointing out that complaining about it won't actually do anything and they should be the ones to make a change rather than telling others to change. Goodman quite rightfully states that some people prefer to watch violence on television, and those people should not have their rights taken away just because someone else doesn't like it. Instead, we all have the choice to watch or not watch so it really comes back to us. Â  

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Glaucoma label study Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Glaucoma label study - Article Example However, a small number of glaucoma patients with reduced visual function might benefit from large print labels on their topical eye drops. Glaucoma is an important global public health concern with the proportion of patients burdened with this sight threatening disease ever increasing due to the rapidly ageing population. In Australia, glaucoma causes 3% visual impairment and 14% blindness in patients aged 40 and over. Since the majority of glaucoma patients are managed initially with medical therapy, compliance is critical for decreasing disease progression. Despite the availability of effective pharmacologic therapies, non-compliance in patients with glaucoma has been reported to vary from 24 to 59%. Many obstacles affect treatment compliance including regimen factors (refill, cost, complexity, change, side effects), patient factors (knowledge, skill, memory, motivation, health beliefs, comorbidities), provider factors (dissatisfaction, communication) and situational or environmental factors (lack of support, major life events, travel, competing activities, change in routine). Quality of written instructions such as amount of information and readability is important in ensuring medication compliance especially in visually impaired, elderly patients where written treatment information often supplements verbal instruction. In some cases, especially when a patient has a care giver, this information becomes the main source reference for correct interpretation of their medication regime. The aim of our study was to assess whether readability and comprehension of medication label size was a contributing factor to treatment compliance in glaucoma patients. Eighty subjects with diagnosed glaucoma were recruited from the public out-patient clinic of a tertiary eye hospital in Melbourne, Australia. The duration of study was 6 weeks (27.03.07 to

Friday, October 4, 2019

Historiography Paper on Rosa Parks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Historiography Paper on Rosa Parks - Essay Example These not only shook its entity but went ahead to completely paralyze the company by rendering it completely bankrupt. Rosa was a figure that compelled the tough-headed racist leaders and society that had never imagined such a wimp of events to ever surface. This not only broke the yoke of perceived notion of white infallibility and invincibility but brought to the global knowledge a possibility of impossibilities. To even turn tables more, Rosa never demanded to be accorded any leadership totality of the move she was virtually the flag bearer, but instead was formally endowed by nature that a status was more of a symbolic and formidable personality. She poised to elevate the invincible role and significance of a virtuous black woman. Such was an elevated dignity and demeanor. There comes a unison move to see to the strengthening move by Rosa and this comes from the sentiments shared by Mary H., Gloria B. & Dale G., (2006). Alongside Rosa’s figure are seen other equally strong black women whose significant roles played the racial shaping moment in American context. The formerly disregarded black minors in the vast world class society were now regarded as the footnotes of the historical timeline. For a long time, there had been segregation in America on the rise; this was such a racial imbalance that men defied basic legislations in broad day for no fear of victimization. Philip S.,( 2007). Rosa Parks and her protest for civil rights, Cherry tree Books. US. For instance, an incidence of the 1944 which involved a defilement of a lady aged twenty four. This is the story of Racy Taylor; a sharecropper and a mother. On her way home from her routine prayers, she encountered a group of white men;... An incidence of the 1944 which involved a defilement of a lady aged twenty-four. This is the story of Racy Taylor; a sharecropper and a mother. On her way home from her routine prayers, she encountered a group of white men; specifically seven in number, armed with weaponry such as shotguns and hand knives. The seven men intimidated the young Alabama lady and compelled her into their green Chevrolet. The next she underwent was such an ordeal unforgettable. You can imagine a gang of seven raping a lone-lady especially after her time of spiritual nourishment, then leaving her for dead. As a matter of fact, the word spreads round thereby compelling the president of the then existing area NAACP to act quickly. His move was to send the smartest of his investigators and team leader to Abbeville. This investigator emerges to be Rosa Parks. In the event that Rosa undertakes to start off the case, she yields such a move that sparks off a great revolution in the world. This gives the account of the never before stipulated history, and how the movement by the civil rights was such prompt and focused to opposing the mounting segregation and torture that black women were subjected to by white men. This was to intimidate the blacks on economic grounds, freedom movement and sexual violence per se. In a way to stress on this fact Terri De Gezelle.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Personal Responsibility Essay Example for Free

Personal Responsibility Essay An individual has a duty to look after self. This is achievable through maintaining a certain level of concern and cultivating in the ways of caring for self. A human being has esteem needs which need to be maintained in order to feel whole and complete. The variables in personal responsibility occur in one self and their decision to accept themselves as they are. The focus on personal responsibility engages an individual to be confident in personal affairs as well as life. Personal responsibility is a commitment to the application of the issues one has an individual dedication to undertake. One ought to believe in individual ability to follow the aspects of personal responsibility. This is portrayed by individuals when they uphold the mission and goals in their lives . When one sets a target in life, following it is a choice and one choosing not to give up is a commitment in the responsibility of that person’s life. Persisting and not giving up in a person’s responsibility is a property of commitment and dedication in one’s life. The aspect of applying all the energy one may have is a reflection of the areas where one is being responsible to accommodate the pressure in. Therefore, dedication to excellence and doing the good things in life for development of self is a reflection of personal responsibility. When an individual is concentrating on making life comfortable and making it pleasing, the level of commitment is certainly high. Individual’s morals and decision making which may be hard to make are examples of commitment to one’s personal values, which is a responsibility to self. The image that one commits to portray to the society is cultivated inside, hence it is a detail to show dedication to personal growth and respect. Personal responsibility gives a positive growth to life when an individual has the obligation and feeling that they have a direction to make it. Personal responsibility instills values in an individual that are very helpful in their life. Through personal responsibility, an individual will learn how to be determined and never back down to obstacles. This is a positive experience when difficult situations come up. Courage and self determination are portrayed in an individual. One obtains trust with self and with other people by maintaining a level of self responsibility. The way one portrays these aspects with confidence is the same way the other people will acknowledge them. Personal responsibility gives one power and the confidence to accept responsibilities in the various disciplines in life that may arise. It is a great influence of the decisions we make. This shows other people that we are mature people and can be bestowed roles of responsibility and positions for us to take care of. Personal responsibility refers to the aspect in which individuals are in charge of themselves and their lives, taking care of the way they think and feel. This involves being concerned more about their affairs, self satisfaction and comfort ability. Maintaining a mental and physical healthy and keep clear emotions and treating oneself with respect is essential in achieving personal responsibility. This obligation to oneself causes individuals to be accountable to their lives and forces them to put across some conditions or rules in their lives. The achievement of goals is triggered by some of these rules. Responsibility of self is paramount in ensuring the achievement of a positive living attitude.